Self Publishing Your Own Book: When Should You Consider It?
Self-publishing your own book is one of the publishing industry’s dirty little secrets. Mainstream publishers, editors, and authors easily dismiss self-publishing and print on demand publishing as a rip-off for both the writer and reader. After all, if the writer was a real writer then they could find a real publisher, right? That has been the conventional wisdom for a long time but in today’s modern, technological society that conventional wisdom does not always hold true. So who should consider self-publishing?
Real writers should consider self-publishing. Published authors often find themselves placed in a prison of their own making. Once they have achieved even modest success in a specific niche it is often hard to break out of that niche and publish something different. However, self-publishing gives authors control over their own writing so they can change direction or genre if they choose. Published authors who have taken some time off from their writing often find it just as hard to return as it was to break in initially. They can often easily parlay their experience and audience into a successful self-publishing career.
Finally, writers who have an idea that does not fit neatly into one of the major publishing houses slots may find self-publishing their only alternative. Just because it doesn’t fit into a neat slot doesn’t mean
your book doesn’t have great potential — think about Diana Gabaldon and J.K. Rowling.
If you are a writer or a control freak, you should self-publish your book!Click To Tweet
Control Freaks
Control freaks should also consider self-publishing. Once you sign your baby over to a major publisher then you lose control of your book. The publisher can slap a horrible or inappropriate cover on it, change its name, or even alter the main characters. Your name will go on the book but what is published may be drastically changed from your original creation–and not always for the better. Think it won’t happen to you, or that you won’t care as long as you get the royalty check, then think again. Many authors can tell you that they still cringe whenever they have to claim a book they published. It’s not the book that makes them want to crawl under a rock–but the cover and title the publisher slapped on it.
Money grubbers should also consider self-publishing. While the independently wealthy may consider their art reward enough the rest of
us need to eat and pay the mortgage (not to mention buy paper and pens)
so money does matter. And of course, we want all our hard work to be
rewarded. In our capitalist society that reward should be monetary.
While self-publishing may require you to put up some of your own money
and traditional publishing will instead offer you an upfront payment,
the final balance sheet will tell you a much different story. The initial advance from a traditional publisher will be small (unless you are Stephen King) and may be the only money you receive for your book
for a long time — and perhaps ever depending on how your book sells. Any book royalties you receive will be for a small percentage and will be
spread out over years to come as well as held ransom for book returns.
The final indignity is that your book’s sales depend greatly on the promotional effort your publisher puts into it. The ugly truth is that the publisher does not much care about your baby and will rarely put any extra money, manpower, or thought into how to promote your book. Most “mid-list” and “low-list” authors conduct (and foot the bill for) their own promotion. At least when you self-publish you know you will be on your own and you can factor that into your budget.
If you are a real writer, a control freak, or a money grubber (or perhaps some combination) then you should consider self-publishing your own book.
Over To You
What do you think about self-publishing? Would you go for it? Why? Tell us in the comments below?
Hi , I really liked your article. It is quite inspiring to hear such encouragement to get out there and do it yourself. I think anything can be accomplished if you try, and importantly have a plan to follow. Which is why your site is so useful. Is there a minimum amount of money you need to set aside to self publish? Thanks, Kenny
Hi Kenny!
Great question! And a great idea for a post 🙂 You can spend a lot of money if you want, but typically the sosts are between $200 and $300. The costs include writing software, editing and proofreading as well as getting a great cover for your book.
Thanks for stopping by!
This article is very insightful to me as I am thinking of writing a book. I have thought about self publishing but didn’t know where to start but thanks to this article and the follow ups I can now look into this on greater detail.
Have you published any books in this way or do you know the best way to go about it?
There are many talented writers out there who do not get a chance to showcase their work but with self publishing it is now possible and prevent the control of publishers,
Hey Darren,
I haven’t (yet) published a book, but I’m in the process of working to publish a friend’s book. I’m in early stages, and I think I will go with some of the platforms available. Check this post (and the series in general) to see what options you have in distributing your book.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Mario’s I had never thought about self publishing before. I have a couple of draws full of poetry that I’ve written over my lifetime. I also gave a number of short stories about exciting things that happened to me in my childhood. I have always wanted to publish these poems and stories but have been afraid to do so for the very reasons you mentioned. I recently decided I simply had to do something about publishing before it got to late. Thank you for showing me a way to do this. I will be clicking on the link you provided immediately. Thanks Jim
Hey Jim,
I’m glad you are motivated and inspired by this post. Self publishing is not a walk in the park, but nowadays, it is easier than ever. Tools and platforms are available at a click of a button.
Good luck with your endeavour, and do not hesitate to ask for any help needed!
Thanks for stopping by!
I have a few self-published books out there….and a few more self-published eBooks 😉 Great way to serve people while getting to market fast. Big time easy too, after you write the eBook, to set it up on Amazon, Selz, etc.
Hey Ryan,
Sorry for the belated answer. I’ve read a few of your books – which are great, by the way – and I am sure anyone can do it. This is one of my next challenges and goals. Publish a book. Either for myself or for others.
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your trips! (: