Roughly the size of a paperback book or tablet — and much lighter than a hardcover tome — e-readers can hold dozens of digital books at once, letting you toggle between your favorite reads, or compile them for a long flight or commute.
Amazon permanently discounts the Kindle Voyage
The Kindle Voyage is going to be discontinued within the next few months and the only model is that is available is the WIFI and Special Offers version, the 3G variant has been sold out all year long. Amazon has just permanently discounted the Voyage today, the old price was $199 and the new one is $149.99.
How to Setup and Use Your New Kindle Paperwhite
Did you just get a new Kindle Paperwhite? You’ve made a great choice — the Paperwhite offers the best combination of features and value for money and you’re going to love using an eReader. But if you don’t know how to start using your device, you’ve come to the right place.
Best 9 Amazon Kindle Tips to Get More Out Of It
Amazon has made reading books on Kindle as simple as clicking a button every couple of minutes. That has led to many overlooking the rest of the Kindle’s abilities. Most users don’t look past the standard Kindle features. Here are some tips to help you get more out of Amazon’s ebook reader.
Amazon announces cheap All-new Kindle with front lights
Amazon has announced its newest Kindle model, which will be available for sale on the 10th of April. The device has 4 front LED lights, Audible support, as well as a free 3-month subscription to Kindle Unlimited. All that for only $89.99. Basic Features This is an upgraded version of the previous model. It has […]